Friday 25 July 2014

The New Reality

The New Reality

This e-book could probably be summed up very easily in one or two sentences, as now that we are vibrating so much higher as a group and as individuals, simplicity is ever present. So where are we now, and what is this new reality all about?
Purpose, sustainability, and connecting to each other. And that pretty much sums things up. The New Reality !We need first know our purpose. This is the purpose that exists just below our overall purpose of vibrating loveWhat are we here to contribute, what are we about, and what makes us light up and come alive?
What have we always known the most about, and been interested in forever? Is there just one thing, or are there several?
What would we bring to a community, if it was our sole job to perform, and no one could perform it but us? What are we continually asked to do?

What do people see in us, when they do indeed see us? Are we whole and complete within ourselves, enough to contribute instead of to take? Can we hold ourselves up, as we embody so much energy and light, and do we know what we are about and what we are here to do?
Do others continually crave our energy (a good sign that we are very  high vibrating and whole within)?
Have we experienced success in our old roles, so we know that we can do it, and it is not then about being destitute and needing someone to take care of us? Are we weary beyond words from doing it all, an indicator that we are now very ready to connect to others?
Do we find that when we connect to others, we feel oh so much better, energized, and are aware that we are creating a very new energy combined of more than one soul?
Are we more than tired of being alone? Does our old personal sanctuary now feel empty and bare, as it now needs to be filled with the light of others?
Do we want to go out there now, instead of staying at home?

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