Tuesday, 19 March 2019

The Law of Attraction and Vibration

Sympathetic Resonance
The Law of Attraction
"Understanding vibration, sympathetic resonance and the law of attraction will help in depersonalizing and coping with the many changes that will occur during the vibrational lifting…You are all known throughout the universe by your vibration.
Your vibration consists of your attitudes, and beliefs about the world in which you live. This has all been formed through experience, and the attitudes, emotions and beliefs gained from these experiences cover many planes and many dimensions.
They are held within what is known as your auric fieldAll thought has vibration.
Unconditional love, joy and peace are thoughts of the highest vibration.
Fear, anger, jealousy, etc., are thoughts of the lowest vibration.
There have been many wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions from past experiences which have allowed many lower vibrational attitudes and emotions to be held within one's fields, mixed in with the higher vibrational attitudes and emotions, the truth of one's being. The combination or mixture of the lower vibrational with the higher vibrational attitudes and emotions together establishes one's vibration.

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